Road Sweeper Machine is a product that can be mounted to the tractor back or front and a forklift.
It is used to clean roads, stables, farms, brick factories, airports or any other areas. It works via hydraulic
motors to turn the brushes. Thanks to its robust plastic brushes, it can even sweep hard and sticky
substances such as manure. The optional side broom has got steel brushes and it is good for cleaning the
corners of walls or pavements. The optional watering system prevents dust during sweeping and if you add
disinfections chemicals to the water tank, it can also be used as disinfector. For example, the rubbish bins
can be washed and disinfected using the watering system of the sweeper because it has a strong water
The models that can be mounted to tractor 3 point at the back and forklift, have got 4 types:
1. Basic (no bucket)
2. Basic+ (with bucket)
3. Medium (with bucket and side broom)
4. Full (with bucket, side broom and watering system)
5.Front Basic
6.Front Basic + (with watering system)